3 Inches of Blood - The Goatriders Horde
Feeling the march of the fury unleashedImpaling the soldiers of GodSmell of sulphur hot on the windLeft by the Goatrider"s HordeThe thundering roarOf the cloven hoofThe Goatrider"s HordeDescends with the stormI am eternalI walk the nightI am the reaper of soulsCold iron bladesThey cannot stop meWhere I am from no one knowsI am in commandImpervious to fireImpervious to steelMerciless vengeanceDealt by their strikeTreachery stalkingEvil commandCloven hoofed steed I rideArmies of horns descend on the gatesHatred burns their eyesImpervious to fireImpervious to steelMerciless vengeanceDealt by their strikeImpervious to fireImpervious to steelWalls of stone cannot stop themToo weak are the spells of oldAt the sound of their banshee cryThe hearts of all grow coldImpervious to fireImpervious to steelMerciless vengeanceDealt by their strikeImpervious to fireImpervious to steelMerciless vengeanceDealt by their strikeFueled by the fears of manTo slake the unquenchable thirstI"m in11e3commandI"m in commandThe Goatrider"s Horde
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