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3 Inches of Blood - Snake Fighter Текст песни

Surrounding coilsAsphyxiating strengthHold your breathBefore they sink their fangsResist the poison, break the snakeThis is your callingTo stop the cobra's charmPierce your skin (it preys upon your neck)Venom, it burns (the toxin works inside you)Paralyze (crushing it's grip)But it wont take your lifeIn the darkest placesChildren of setFather king of all that slinksA tyrant god is near unleashingCrush the serpentAnd all who do it's willTreacherous is the cultWith influence reaching farDo not be led to follow their pathInfiltrate the templeDefile their holy thingsSilence the hissOf the forked tongue that bringsFormidable power few dare to defyYou are the one who can fight backIt tries to hypnotizeDistract your mindDo not look into it's eyesCaress the scalesAs it slithers in your handBreak it's neckThe killing blow you strikeSnake fighter Версия для печати
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