10,000 Maniacs - Eat For Two
O, baby blankets and baby shoes, baby slippers, baby spoons, walls ofbaby blue. Dream child in my head is a nightmare born in a borrowedbed.Now I know lightning strikes again. It struck me once, then struck medead. My folly grows inside of me. I eat for two, walk for two,breathefor two now.Well, the egg man fell down off his shelf. All the good king's menwith all their help struggled 'til the end for a shell they couldn'tmend.You know where this will lead, to hush and rock in the nursery for thekicking one inside of me. I eat for two, walk for two, breathe for twonow. Eat for two, walk for two, breathe for two now.When the boy was a boy, the girl was a girl, they found each other ina wicked world. Strong in some respects, but she couldn't stand fortheway he begged and gave in. Pride is for men; young girls should runandhide instead. You risk the game by taking dares with "yes".I eat for two, walk for two, breathe for two now. Eat for two, walkfor two, breathe for two now.I walk for two? I'm stumbling. I walk for two?I'm stumbling. Breathe for two? I can't breathe. I can't breathe.
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