Kamelot - The Zodiac
She was so kind to meShe sang her little shadow songAnd I could not resist itBitter blood, come sing alongWith your hand upon the bibleWould you swear that is the truth?(The whole truth and the truth alone)If she had only shut her mouthShattered memories of quiet cold rejectionA careful devil's irony in pure perfection,In pure deceitYou ask me -Was it all I had to tell?Was it all I could recall?Know that I broke her neckA twisted china white visageI may seem unaffectedBut don't we all want to be Gods?Is it all you can remember?Would you swear it on your life?You will never really know my name without reflectionA careful devil's irony in pure perfectionIn pure deceitBut in the moment it's so beautifulFlow along with a hungerWith the nature of the beastThese are shattered memories of quiet cold rejectionA careful devil's irony in pure perfectionYou will never really know my name without reflectionA careful devil's irony in pure perfectionIn pure deceit
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