28 Days - Rise Above
the sky is grey bordem kicks in againI don't know if I'll ever winI'm not sure if it's worth itI'll just have to wait and seesurrounded by people I don't understandtrying to do my best I've got a planputting me to the test I'm not aloneit's still all up to meI'll rise above and I'll look downit all seems so minisculeI'll riducule the problems thattowered over meall I want to know is how to love myselfI've had money keep your material wealthseems like securityjust you wait and seesometimes I bomb I want to give it uppeople suck I feel it building upwhy don't you let me be?do you want a piece of me?I'll step back and takeanother look see I mistookI could not see the forest for the trees
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