Павел Кашин - Draw a piece of heaven
Draw a piece of heavenOn my windowpaneWhere the sun wouldEverlastinglyComb its blazing maneDraw the sparkling oceanTurning into skySo that every slightestMotion of the soulWould make me cryI would live my life in silenceNot to stain my lips with liesSo that there was never sadnessIn my truly loved one"s eyesWright the purest love songOn my windowpaneSo that my big heartAmong the other sinsOverflows with painSo that even dreamingOf an alien landIt"d be happy, brimmingWith the whole world,Screaming out of handI would live my life in silenceNot to stain my lips with liesSo that there was never sadnessIn my truly loved one"s eyes
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