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Мастер (Master) - Tsar Текст песни

Raise hands up, you who're aliveWe really lost this gameThe new Tsar's gone too far,wanting the same to staySnake is crawling longer than lifeAnglier than HellScream out loud, fool all aroundDrink for the rest of your daysHEY TSAR - YOU WENT FARHEY YOU TSAR - YOU'RE A STARRaise your hands and face the wallNo solution in wineDrunkards, jukies having funtasting a bottle of rumRaise hands, not to the clouds,but to the ceilings lowNew Tsar has gone too farpunching us in the jawGod's unsafe - Devil's unsafeThe monster is hating usRaise your hands, this is the endWe live in a goddamned land Версия для печати
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