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28 Days - Kool Текст песни

you want so much for everyoneto like you for who you really arebut you care about it so muchyou won't be yourselfbut I know you feel so much betterthan that and I know youwould not have to let someone elsedo this bullshit to youwhat I want to know is why you letthose fucking wankers talk to you like thatwhat makes you think they are so koolyou want so much for everyoneto like you for who you really arebut you care about it so muchyou won't be yourselfis it because for themeverything seems to go so wellnot like you because you strugglefor everything like helllet me tell you I respect thatbecause it's easy when it's easywhat makes you think they are so kool Версия для печати
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