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3rd Root - Wicked Текст песни

Proverbs 14:9 - And the evil bow before the good and the wicked at the gatesOf the rightousnessThe evil bow, the evil bow oh LordHere I stand and I see youBut where shall they beThe wicked run, the wicked runWe are now one with the Son aboveAnd what is it to youWhat is the toll oh LORDThey shall pay with youWicked run can't hideTestify in time in my bonesWicked run can't hideIn my bonesI receive and I believeIn my bonesRapture, raptureThe evil bow but we see youBut life within the three seeThe wicked run the wicked runWe are now one with the Son aboveAnd what is it to youWhat is the toll oh LORDThey shall pay with youFor it says deep within our fathers wordThat one day the evil shall bow before the goodAnd the wicked at the gates of the rightousnessSo my question isWhere shall you be Версия для печати
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