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311 - Taiyed Текст песни

Returning from the water cold alive and shiningRock a mic in the afterlife while your moon is risingHeatin' up forcing steam whirling to be seenThe dark held stars are the frost of my breathingSwimming through the darkness I'm a ghostly sharkDeveloping like a photograph slowly in the darkThe hearafter the action the main attractionOne love in all of this that I'm going afterNow there's fire inside but black space surrounds youYou think "Where oh where am I"but even your light continuesSee through us see a soul we have not yetLearned to harness see the next world inside itWe are the people of skin who left waterInside the dark womb inside of our motherProne to the beat and vibe of our tribeWe catch the drift and ride moving tidesOut from a love that will keep on burningNow see yourself to the next world returningThis life an old place we face to live againWhat is it to understand the heareafter Версия для печати
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