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Sting - A Thousand Years Текст песни

A thousand years a thousand moreA thousand times a million doors to eternityI may have lived a thousand lives a thousand timesAn endless turning stairway climbsTo a tower of soulsIf it takes another thousand years a thousand warsThe towers rise to numberless floors in spaceI could shed another million tears a million breathsA million names but only one truth to faceA million roads a million fearsA million suns, ten million years of uncertaintyI could speak a million lies, a million songs,A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of timeBut if there was a single truth, a single lightA single thought, a singular touch of graceThen following this single point , this single flame,The single haunted memory of your faceI still love youI still want youA thousand times the mysteries unfold themselvesLike galaxies in my headI may be numberless, I may be innocentI may know many things, I may be ignorantOr I could ride with kings and conquer many landsOr win this world at cards and let it slip my handsI could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand timesReborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimesOr wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thiefI've kept this single faith, I have but one beliefI still love youI still want youA thousand times the mysteries unfold themselvesLike galaxies in my headOn and on the mysteries unwind themselvesEternities still unsaid'Til you love me Версия для печати
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