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Sandra - Perfect Touch Текст песни

You've captured me and killed all my emotionsIn your cage of loveRun away, inside I feel the dangerI run from your perfect touchI want you see me runningI've had too much in a jungle of lovePerfect touch, I want you see me runningPerfect touch, you've killed all I've gotPerfect touchLost your game and I'm sure you'll payfor your crime, babe, oh yeahYou strangle me but I know how to get outI run from your perfect touchI want you see me runningI've had too much in a jungle of lovePerfect touch, I want you see me runningPerfect touch, you've killed all I've gotPerfect touchI run from your perfect touchI want you see me runningI've had too much in a jungle of lovePerfect touch, you see me runningPerfect touch, you've killed all I've gotPerfect touchI want you see me runningI've had too much in a jungle of lovePerfect touchYou see me runningGimme me too muchPerfect touch Версия для печати
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