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Sandra - Seal It Forever Текст песни

Can I find the words to sayHow I feel tonightWe are astrangeWe can turn the timeJust look at meI'm so scaredWould you be hereif I was sad, would you do?I wanna be your guiding lightI wanna stay right by your side andSeal it forever with loveI wanna say how much i careWanna tell you I'll be thereAnd seal it forever with loveWill you let me down somedayWith a heart that burnedI call on youWe must live and learnJust look at meI love youI still believe in what we doI count on youI wanna be your guiding lightI wanna stay right by your side andSeal it forever with loveI wanna say how much i careWanna tell you I'll be thereAnd seal it forever with loveBaby I know that you matter in my eyesA long time I was wondering whyMaybe I was follish and childBut now I know that's true loveLove I can deny itNow my life is in your handsSeal it foreverI wanna be your guiding lightI wanna stay right by your side andSeal it forever with loveI wanna say how much i careWanna tell you I'll be thereAnd seal it forever with love Версия для печати
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