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Hammerfall - The Champion Текст песни

Gaze upon the stake,flames will soon start to embraceCondemned, auto da fщ,she?s about to fall from graceIn the land of the rising sunshadows are falling againThe die is cast, the future and pastcoming to her at lastOh, oh, ohAll she needed was a ChampionOh, oh, ohCrying for a saviour to fight for her lifeBehold, the freedom criesby the dying of the lightToo late to justifyfor vindication upon this nightIn the land of the rising sunshadows are falling againFrom out of nowhere, a rider declaredto answer her final prayerOh, oh, ohHe stood up to be the ChampionOh, oh, ohHe became the saviour that fought for her lifeFace to face, eye to eyeThe saviour fought to save her prideFar beyond the starlit skies, the encounter went onGaze upon the stake,as the flames start to embraceA life, an act of faith,long-lost gone without a traceIn the land of the rising sunShadows are falling againThe die is cast for the future and pastcame for her at last Версия для печати
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