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Tanita Tikaram - Elephant Текст песни

ElephantAin't going homeAin't going homeTo be your friendElephantAin't going homeTo start a fireTo be your friendElephantAin't going homeAin't going outTo start a fightElephantTo start a fireTo be your friendIt isn't rightElephantHate being shortHate being longHate being lostHate being roundHate being round about your lost causeElephantAin't getting wiredAin't getting lied to all the timeElephantI can't hearI can't hearThe one you wantBut it makes more senseTo be near the riversideYeah, it makes more sense'Cos the grass grows highIt makes more senseTo be near to you babyThe very, very, very, very sad truth isI never think sensiblyThr very, very, very, very, very sad truth isI never thinkBothers meElephantGetting tiredGetting lied toAll the timeElephantYou make itYou make it seemSo availableElephantAin't going downAin't going downTo take a lookTo take a lookWould bring me downWould bring me downElephant Версия для печати
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