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3 Feet Smaller - Suffocate Me Текст песни

I will not, forget the way
you asked me if i will stay
If i will spend the night with you

We were together 2 years long
but now it?s over, now your gone
why did you leave me here alone.

I never thought that i will spend a night a night alone again
But I can?t take it anymore that I?m just your friend
I know that i was mean to you but I?m so sorry for all the things i called you

when i was drunken again*

My life is now like it was before anoyed and boring
without you routine has taken it?s place now.

I see you with your new boyfriend can?t figure out why you hold his hand
He?s the oposite of me (can?t you say hello to me)
I wanna hold you one last time.

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