Petra - Shakin' The House
There's a rumble, in the distanceA trembling in the airIt's uncertain in directionDoes is come from here or there?It's approaching by the minuteDoes it lead you to despair?Feel it shakin' your foundationWhen you haven't got a prayerEverything that can be shaken will be shaken from withinBetter have your house in order when the shakin' beginsShakin' the houseShakin'Shakin' the houseYou examine your foundationDoes is stand on rock or sand?When the smoke clears does it bring fearsWhen the houses fall or standIn the fire od refining with flames too high to douseYou remember someone sayingIt's beginning in the houseBut don't fear when it comes nearAnd you see the raging fireIf you hold fast it will all passTil your heart has His desire
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