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4 Non Blondes - Drifting Текст песни

What a wonderful hesitationwho would bear to feel sorry for medropped another pill just to calm mecollapsed to my knees and fell fast into sleepthere I was driftingway out into the sunshineexpecting to crash but I'm tied to a stringlook at me I'm a tangled puppetI might be a mess but I'm sure can survivefind myself awake counting sad days1-2-3 that's too many for medropped another pill just to find mereached for my hand but it was already therethen I started believin'that I fell out of a tiny raindropthat lost its way when I decided to roamchasing me was a hungry dwellerbut I had escaped it by pretending to diecome follow me you won't expect the illusionyou'll see it's my imaginationhand me your eyesI will put them in front of mineyou'll see a little betteryou'll see a little betterwhat a wonderful destinationwhere I am nowI can no longer seedropped another pill just to kill mecollapsed to my knees and fell fast into sleepthere I was driftingway out into the sunshineexpecting to crash but I'm tied to a stringlook at me I'm a tangled puppetI might be a mess but I'm sure can survivebut I had escaped it by pretending to die Версия для печати
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