3 Inches of Blood - The Great Hall Of Feasting
As the day breaksAnd the battle hour approachesMany cries will echo through the hillsBe not afraidYour sacrifice is not in vainThe God"s reward for dyingWith your sword in handRoaring firesStrumming lyresClean the blood stain from your bladeBefore coming inEnter the massive feasting hallAbove the roarTales are told of warAnd heroes lost foreverYour name will live in songOn high and down belowYour kills in fighting have earned your special placeMentioned in the same breathAs all heroes pastA statue of your likenessRevered forever moreFlagons clankAnd beers are drankIn the mighty hallTales are told of woeIn the mighty hallGoats are roasted slowIn the mighty hallLet us sing the songs of oldIn the mighty hallAll sound a mighty SKЕLIn the Great Feasting HallSplendor of allDie in battleDo us proudIn the Great Feasting HallSplendor of allIn the Great Feasting Hall
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