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3 Feet Smaller - Strike Back Текст песни

On a Day like today I just don't wanna get upThe Sky is grey, it rains, and being a Frontman justsucksWhat a perfetct day to commit suicideWhat a perfect day to write the story of my lifeGood bye Mom, Bye bye Dad, I'm gladThat i had parents like you, but now it's too lateNoThat's not a good start for the last letter I'll writeMaybe "Life wasn't good to me, I never got what I liked"Is it worth that, is that what I deserveFeeling lost and rejectedUnnoticed and thrown back (2x)I won't stand that, I will strike backWhat's the meaning of lifeI don't want another strifeSometimes I could take a knifeAnd slit your head off, Good NightI hate to say, I hate the wayHow this Band work's, it's not my faultOKI've made a few mistakes, liked to say what I thinkBut at least I started to thinkYou just wanna do, what is good for youFuck everyone else, and againI end up talking to myselfIs it worth that, is that what I deserveFeeling lost and rejectedUnnoticed and thrown back (2x)I won't stand that, I will strike backLet's be honest, it's trueI wanted to quit this shitCuz I don't wanna end up like you, ignorantFucked up shit like this brought me to this pointIsn't it possible to do something conjointIf three are for it, and one is againstThan that one gets fucked right up the assI don't get your pointAs a matter of fact I'm always the only onewho's against something and that's whyI get fucked on and onIs it worth that, is that what I deserveFeeling lost and rejectedUnnoticed and thrown back (2x)I won't stand that, I will strike back Версия для печати
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