16 Horsepower - The Partisan
When they poured across the borderI was cautioned to surrenderThis I could not doI took my gun and vanishedI have changed my name so oftenI have lost my wife and childrenBut I have many friendsAnd some of them are with meAn old woman gave us shelterKept us hidden in the garretThen the soldiers cameShe died without a whisperThere were three of us this morningI'm the only one this eveningBut I must go onThe frontiers are my prisonOh the wind, the wind is blowingThrough the graves the wind is blowingFreedom soon will comeThen we'll come from the shadowsLes Allemands йtaient chez moiIls me dirent, "Resigne-toi"Mais je n'ai pas peurJ'ai repris mon armeJ'ai changй cent fois de nomJ'ai perdu femme et enfantsMais j'ai tant d'amisJ'ai la France entiиreUn vieux homme dans un grenierPour la nuit nous a cachйLes Allemands l'ont prisIl est mort sans surpriseOh the wind, the wind is blowingThrough the graves the wind is blowingFreedom soon will comeThen we'll come from the shadow
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