E-Type - Russian Lullaby
(Jonas "Joker" Berggren/E-type & Mud)Let's you and me together leave for higher groundwhen you're all alone just listen to the soundLullaby,we fall asleep when we hear...lullaby,we fly away when we hear...lullaby,we travel far when we hear...lullaby,when we hear the Russian lullaby...in the night, when the seas are rolling inin the night, when the stars are shining clearin the night, when the ghosts are howling nearin the night, when we sing the Russian lullabyWhen we are going through the night in search of lightlet's you and me enjoy the mach 5 speed of lifeLullaby,we fall asleep when we hear...lullaby,we fly away when we hear...lullaby,we travel far when we hear...lullaby,when we hear the Russian lullaby...in the night, when the seas are rolling inin the night, when the stars are shining clearin the night, when the ghosts are howling nearin the night, when we sing the Russian lullaby-ville
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