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311 - Don't Dwell Текст песни

Every time I get near your field of gravityYou look so sad to me tell how could that be?ah- ah she said things I obsessI would never confessah- ah I told her don't dwellThat will leave you in hellSometimes things that you're scorned forYou should be adored forBut like I told her don't dwellI know my love that I look dilapidatedBut are you glad I made itCan you tell me that muchah-ah Why are you surprisedI don't take my adviceah-ah she told me don't dwellThat will leave you in hellSometimes I need remindingRegret is so blindingBut like I told me don't dwellEverything is a choiceGo ahead raise your voiceMight as well forgive your selfThat means more than someone elseSet you free break the shellTo your demons farewell(Ooh na na na na) I tell you don't dwell Версия для печати
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