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Мастер - America The Pitiful Текст песни

Oh pitiful for smoggy skiesWith amber lanes of wasteWith Dreadful mountain poverty'sSo many infants slainAmerica, AmericaGod shed his wrath on theeNo livelihood, It's just not goodFrom sea to blackened seaTime ticks away, but still they playWith plans of conqueringThe industry, they think they're freeToy soldiers of the damnedAmerica, AmericaGod shed his death on theeNo livelihood, it's just not goodFrom sea to blackened seaOh Beautiful for spacious skiesWith amber waves of grainWith purple mountain majestiesAbove the fruited plainAmerica, AmericaGod shed his grace on theeWith crown thy hood and brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea Версия для печати
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