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Элвис Пресли - Western Union Текст песни

Western UnionOh, Western Union clickety clackI had a fight with my babyOoh how sorry I amShe won't talk to me no howI'm gonna send a telegramWestern Union oh yeahSend my lovin' baby back to meShe won't open my lettersShe won't answer the phoneWhen I'm a-ringin' her doorbellShe says there ain't nobody homeWestern Union oh yeahSend my lovin' baby back to meWestern Union oh yeahSend my lovin' baby back to meI love you is my messageJust three words and no moreIf she won't let you deliverSlip it underneath her doorWestern Union oh yeahSend my lovin' baby back to meWestern Union oh yeahSend my lovin' baby back to me Версия для печати
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