Темнозорь - Watch The Falcon Fly
As a twilight wolfThrough the years of woeTouch the pagan dreamsOf the celtic moonRise the Blackest SunReign of night and fogStorms of heathen bloodPagan Metal WarWatch the falcons flyIn the endless skyHail the sign of fightPagan Metal WarAs a wandering soulThrough the iron woodsBreath the poetryOf the nordic runesRise the Blackest SunReign of night and fogStorms of heathen bloodPagan Metal WarWatch the falcons flyIn the endless skyHail the sign of fightPagan Metal WarSwear on steel and bloodOath of panzer heartsDrink the mead of WarFrom the grail of starsSpread the flame of HateKnight of Higher RaceBy the Right of MightRule with Iron HandFrom the ancient moundsHorrid werewolf cultWhen our Spirits singSongs of HolocaustRise the Blackest SunReign of night and fogStorms of heathen bloodPagan Metal WarWhen the Europe RiseWatch the coming StormWatch the falcons flyPagan Metal War
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