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Верните Мне Воскресенье! - My Home Текст песни

Музыка и текст: Куцепов МихаилГруппа: Верните Мне Воскресенье!Песня: My HomeКуплет 1I have place where I belongIt's my house,It's my homeHe is not afraid of stormsBecause he`s strong like a stoneI have so great emotions,Like I`m on the Ship in the oceanI'm ready for all the testsWhich prepared for me by GuestsПрипевIt's My home,It's My home,And my feelings are deep and strong,It's My home,It's My home,It's a place where I belong,куплет 2It's my tower,It's My homeHere I`ll never be so foolIt's my House,And It's my RullsHere I am I feeling cool!So come with me, my friendsI will not, will not pretendCome to the place,where I belongeIt's my house,It's my homeПроигрыш)))Припев x2It's My home,It's My home,And my feelings are deep and strong,It's My home,It's My home,It's a place where I belong,(where I belong!!) Раз 6-8)) Версия для печати
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