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Эдипов комплекс - No categories Текст песни

Call me your name I don't careGive me your eyes and your hate stareGive me your brain, anywayYou're a bottle of rain, rainI'm a bottle of rainStrong water runs down my veinsVeins like the strings singing night and dayLife's close and life's far awayWhen a bottle of rain, rainMeets a bottle of rain,No categoriesSex and drugs for everyone nowEqual drugs for everyone nowGathering drops of this dayYou look at me I do the sameMillions of us do the sameAre you going to leave me? Huh!Stay!So call me your name I don't careGive me your eyes and your hate starePut in your brain, anywayYou're a bottle of rain, rainI'm a bottle of rain,No categoriesSex and drugs for everyone nowEqual drugs for everyone nowSex and drugs for everyone nowEqual drugs for everyone nowNo categoriesSex and drugs for everyone nowEqual drugs for everyone nowSex and drugs for everyone nowEqual drugs for everyone now Версия для печати
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