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Kamelot - Shadow Of Uther Текст песни

[Live]due to the legenda new king will comerise in the morning horizonbrave and believingfor wars to be wonborn with the heart of a lionhe will fight for a country unitetill the last drop of blood confines the oathtill all will respect him wherever he roamsdeep in the woodshe can hear she's alivelost in the darkof a dragons lamentsearching the highlandsin trying to findtrace of Morganathe Princess of Hatehe will be holdingthe sword in the stoneknights of the kingdom will join himbring back the honorof Pendragons namefrom where the cauldron is boilingbut the shadow of Uther restrainsall the efforts to reunite the realma witch of his own blood from heaven expelleddeep in the woodsthere are prints in the sandleading towardswhere the angels repentking of the oceanking of the landnothing can save himfrom Merlin's consentcoming of stormsbattles of warknights of thunder are fearlessthus goes the legendthe tale I was toldnow we await his appearancebut the shadow of Uther remainsthere is no way the king can break the oaththe shadow will follow wherever he roams Версия для печати
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