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311 - Purpose Текст песни

I believe in your purpose babyComing up to the surface and maybeI'll neversee you again then again who knowsMake me quiver hands will shiverStill gotall the things that I woulda give herYeah, yeah but it's slow goingSomething's showing yeah, yeahLove is a stream that will find it's own courseMaking dueis a thing a thing I will do no moreWhenever you come back I'll be waitingTrifling the slack no head gatingThis is all pure fiction you know that's rightJust pure fictionThat's all right I believe in your purpose babyComing up tothe surface and maybeI'll never see you again then again who knowsMake mequiver hands will shiverStill got all the things that I woulda give her, yeahBut it's slow going something's Версия для печати
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