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3rd Strike - Breathe It Out Текст песни

We gotta stop it cuz we cant feed this diseasetoo many dead and too many living on their kneesheavenly father make us strongerhelp us live in peasekill this fucking sicknessi need to feel my soul releasewe done our timeyeah we felt the pain that life can giveeveryday steady dying lordbut still we live so confused abusedand still insanity seems the only way that i can feel humanitybreath it outor we sink so far downso far downfool you kill your brotherand you think that makes you a mantry to tell his mother why she'll never see her son againfucking coward go hid behind your false pridestreet talking facade helps you justify this genocidethat's the card you dealto hide the pain you feelclaimin' homey love but i'm telling you it isn't realno ones got your back when its time for you to gocuz when you leave this worldyou'll be going out alone[chorus]so try to understandwe've got to save ourselvescuz our fate lies in our handsit's you and no one else[chorus]we gotta breathe it outwe gotta save ourselfescry outkill the violencecryoutchant the freedomwe gotta breathe it outwe gotta save ourselvescry outkill the violencecry outchant the freedom Версия для печати
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